Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Laptops replace textbook Essay
The initial reaction to this question by many people is, â€Å"What a ridiculous question!†However, there are many key issues to consider, like cost, ease of use (is the computer screen too hard on our eyes for extensive reading?), maintenance and repair (if students carry them from class to class, will they break?), but most importantly, student learning (what is the best way to help students learn?). In order to come to a conclusion on the subject, all of these issues must be explored. Cost First let’s look at cost. Publishers can create a CD of their textbooks, and at a greatly reduced price because there is no need for paper, printing and binding. However the costs can be spread to the purchasers in other ways. The need for the technology to use the CDs is the largest expense. However, most districts spend money on technology already, and with the purchase of a laptop for each student, the need for computer labs should eventually become minimal or obsolete as laptops are purchased. This should be considered when looking at costs of purchasing laptops and text CDs. Another side effect of giving, renting or requiring student purchase of laptops is that other computer functions like word processing and PowerPoint should be included with the initial purchase, and all students will have similar ability to access programs to complete homework assignments. Reading a computer screen can be difficult for long expanses of text, so I think that the cost of printing saved by the publishers will be passed on to the owner of the printer to which student computers are connected, though the cost will be considerably less than binding a textbook. Some students may not be organized in keeping pages in order, or throw away the chapters after they are finished, so if students want to refer to the book in the future, they may find a need to reprint parts of the book. Paper will inevitably be wasted. The actual cost difference may be hard to discern, but it is likely that a laptop with digital text combination, in the end, will be more expensive. The question is, what are the priorities of the school district? Should school districts sacrifice student learning in the interest of a cost savings? Some computer companies offer special programs, or quantity discounts. Some districts may require parents to purchase laptops. Henrico County Public Schools in ia, offers insurance on laptops, which the school system owns, to parents for $50. Tracy Unified School District in California at their charter school, Discovery Charter School, has implemented a laptop program, and replaced their textbooks with laptops for 20% more than the cost of textbooks. They expect the costs to decrease because, in the future, they will only need to replace laptops that are broken, and purchase new discs for their textbooks Ease of use Next, consider ease of use. If a school can hook up a wireless network, students should be able to access online sources from most places in the school, including study hall. Teachers should no longer hear that students could not get into the library or lab to complete assignments, and students will be free to explore the ability of the technology more completely. In fact, teachers may find themselves changing their method of teaching to best utilize the technology. Schools that implement a laptop program should employ technology people to teach students and teachers how to use them, to maintain the machines, as well as keep networks in order. This is very important to help minimize frustration on the part of students and teachers. It is very frustrating to have a lesson planned and not be able to go forward because things out of your control are not working properly. Student learning Student learning is the most important thing to consider when deciding teaching methods. Laptop computers allow for more interactivity with subjects by using multimedia methods. Publishers Holt, Rinehart and Winston show concepts like photosynthesis using animation which enhances printed words on the subject. Students can also reach WebQuests and other simulations such as frog dissections on the Internet. Students can create projects using PowerPoint and many other programs to illustrate what they have learned. All these things support a constructivist atmosphere which has been shown to enhance learning. Pros and cons A good way to analyze the question is to create a list of pros and cons on the subject. In the category of pros: The ability to replace outdated and incorrect information quickly and inexpensively. Computer literacy, which can be important in the job world, becomes second nature to students who have constant access to a computer. Interactivity is enhanced with laptops and a constructivist atmosphere is fostered. Use of laptops allow a student led atmosphere by instituting a more project-based method of learning, also promoting a constructivist atmosphere. Concepts are easier to grasp when presented in a multimedia way. A laptop for each student builds a bridge across the digital divide. Giving students an expensive piece of equipment encourages responsibility for the equipment. Many students and teachers who have been part of laptop programs in schools report increased organization capability. Students can â€Å"trade†places with teachers, offering new information that was not known to the teacher or class, fostering a sense of pride and self-esteem. Some texts offer students the ability to highlight and annotate while studying. Teachers in laptop schools report that students create longer and more well written assignments because they need not use resource books to locate spelling and grammar mistakes. Students report that they learn about writing styles better because of the instantaneous corrections. If the district uses digital texts, students will not need to carry huge and heavy textbooks from class to class. Backpacks will be lighter and damage to spines will be less likely. Students also may need to spend less time in their lockers. The cons are not as numerous, but contain more â€Å"weighty†items: The possibility of theft (will the laptops make students a target?) Breakage and maintenance are expensive and can cause students to lose time on projects. The laptops themselves are expensive, although some vendors offer huge discounts to schools and for quantities purchased. There is a need to have a good connection to the Internet, preferably a wireless one. The teachers must be on board, or they will not utilize the laptops and the resource will be wasted (and the money spent will be wasted). Plagiarism is a greater temptation with easier access to the Internet. Students may become distracted and get off task more easily. Technology failure, of all types. In fact, on a survey given to teachers at Piscataquis Community High School in Maine on their One-to-One Laptop Program, there were only three main complaints after two years of involvement in the program: 1) Laptops causing distractions, 2) inappropriate use of the computers, and 3) technology failure. One perspective to consider is that when school districts buy textbooks, students have a few activities they can accomplish using them. They can read and study to learn. They may find practice quizzes and further resources in textbooks but they must take the initiative to go to the library, or search for information, and grade their quizzes. The functions of a textbook are few, though important. When a school districts buys a laptop and digital information for a student, the student finds him/herself able to not only read and study to learn, but able to fully synthesize the information with interactive quizzes, and links for further information, as well as an ability to produce a paper or other end product. Students will not need to have a computer at home, or visit a public library or computer lab to complete their assignments. As well, all students will be using the same programs. The most useful places to find information about laptop programs is from schools that have implemented them for three years or more, so the Hawthorne affect has diminished, since most of them have been in the news, studied or scrutinized in some way. Also by then, the novelty of using new technology, which can inspire students to study more, has worn off. In Maine, standardized test scores for eighth graders have been only slightly elevated or the same over non-laptop schools. In an article by Andrew Speyer called â€Å"Technology in Schools: Why Laptops?†, Mr. Speyer states that â€Å"A laptop in a classroom will not result in students having higher SAT scores. It will not guarantee that students will have higher grades, better attention, or learn the daily material more completely. . . Control will shift from a teacher-based experience to a collaborative experience. If there is any single argument for the use of laptops in a classroom this would be it.†Even with no significant improvement in scores, laptops are still worth having because they support constructivist methods, which has been shown to improve learning. In fact, the question that arises in the newest literature is not â€Å"Should schools use laptop computers?†, but â€Å"Can hand helds replace laptops?†Conclusion Laptops can not only replace textbooks, but can enhance student learning overall. Using computers on a consistent basis can move a classroom toward a more collaborative method of learning. With laptops students would be able to have access to the Internet for research, word processing, and PowerPoint programs anytime, even in study hall. If a school district can take the money they would normally spend on textbooks and add some of their technology money, they may be able to achieve a goal of providing a laptop computer for each student over time. Even if standardized test scores remain the same, there are still advantages to having a laptop for each student. Regular Ed students write longer, more complete assignments, possibly due to ease the of using word processing and better resource searching ability. Buying laptops and digital textbooks may be a huge step to take, but a district may be able to work their way into them slowly by introducing laptops a grade level at a time, or in various other ways. If the goal of the district is to maximize student learning, individual laptops may be a good way to do it. Laptop learning supports constructivist activities, which have been shown to improve learning. Activities which students have a say in choosing for themselves, and choosing their own methods to complete, allow them to become more enthusiastic and involved with their learning. They can become more like partners in their own learning, rather than fairly inactive absorbers. With a laptop a complete project can be accomplished, but with a textbook, only half of a project can be accomplished. AUTHOR: Alisa Humphrey References Curtis, D. (2003, December 16). The Maine Event. Edutopia Online. Retrieved October 10, 2004 from Chapman, G. (1998, June 15). Push to trade class textbooks for laptop PCs is a misuse of technology. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 6, 2004 from Cook, G. (2002, July). Laptop Learning. 189 (7). Retrieved October 9, 2004 from Harris, Walter J. & Smith, Lori. (February 2004). Laptop use by seventh grade students with disabilities: Perceptions of special education teachers. Maine Education P
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Republican Party Essay
The Republican Party has always been the true political party of the United States of America. When referring to the Declaration of Independence’s three principles based on John Locke’s and Thomas Jefferson‘s definitions of them. The three principles of the Declaration are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Republican Party is superior to the Democratic Party in upholding the Declaration’s principles and biblical God given rights. There are three policies that show that coincide with the prominent Declaration principles that exemplify the dominance of the Republican Party to the Democratic Party. For principle life it is the parties views on abortion, liberty it is the views on gun control, and the pursuit of happiness it is the views on taxes. The principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were originally defined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson constructed his definitions from inspirations he received from John Locke‘s writings, primarily from his book Two Treaties. John Locke’s principles slightly differed from the ones in the Declaration and consisted of the principles life, liberty, and property. He called these principles the people’s natural rights, meaning all men are innately born with the right to them. John Locke defines life as God given and that all people are God’s property and entitled to life. Locke defines liberty as â€Å"not a state of license,†but as a rightful and moral exercise of freedom. He states that liberty does not give man the right to take his own life or hinder the liberty of others. A man cannot harm the health, possessions, or life of another man. Locke lastly defines the natural right to property. Locke defines this principle as more than owning things, but also owning oneself. He also defines property as owning the common, the things citizens labor to have. An example of owning then common Locke gives is, if a man catches a fish in the ocean, cooks it and eats it because he labored for it and it was God given. Jefferson based the definitions of life and liberty off of Locke’s definitions in the Declaration of Independence, but changed property and redefined it as the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson defines the pursuit of happiness as mans right to pursue happiness, but not the right to happiness. The Republican party best follows the definition of life according to the Declaration of Independence with their view on abortion. The big difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party on this issue is the Republican party sees abortion as wrong and the Democratic party does not. The republicans are pro-life and conservative and believe that each human being has the right to live and abortion is equivalent to murder. In 2008, approximately one million, twenty-one thousand abortions took place in the U. S. , that’s over one million murders. The Republican Party recognizes that even in the womb the fetus is unique and is a living being with the inalienable right to life and has a creator. The Republican Party as a generalized view believes that human life commences at conception, and therefore has individual and exclusive rights from the mother, which in turn does not give permission to the mother to abort the child. The Democratic Party is the liberal party and is pro-choice in the abortion debate. They believe that being the future mother or it being the women’s body gives her the privilege to make the decision regarding the fetus life. A fair point, but one you never hear is that the government should not try to control what a citizen does with their body, just like it does not tell them what they should eat. Then again, it would be an oxymoron for they do believe in governmental control. The Democratic Party is the party that states that they are the moving forward political party, and they are the ones who manufactured Planned Parenthood, a facility, located across the country, which dedicates their expertise on making a profit on the mistake of, typically, young girls. Planned Parenthood was first opened in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, her sister and a friend. Inauspiciously, she was jailed, but her idea birthed the revelation and a revolution of the movement of women. It gave women the opportunity to fight for not only their body, but for their lives. The Democratic Party, and thus the Federal government have made it very clear that this is an issue worth fighting. Democrats see abortion as a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body neglecting the fetuses right to life. They believe credit the choice of abortion to liberty and since the fetus is inside of the mother she has the liberty to decide what happens. The Republican Party embodies the Declaration of Independence’s absolute right to liberty by their views on gun control. The Republican Party has not only been an advocator of the citizens right to liberty, but also immensely advocates the second amendment. The Second Amendment states, â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. †The second amendment was is to firstly, defend us from foreign invaders if our army cannot hold them back and it is necessary if a crisis that large ever occurred for American’s to be able to defend there country. Republicans believe right to own a gun is a law-abiding citizens liberty to exercise their freedom to self-defense or to hunt on legal hunting grounds. Republicans do not support guns for hindering the life or liberty of others, but do respect the peoples right to own one. Republicans â€Å"oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners & national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens. †The Republican Party defends citizen’s Constitutional right and inalienable right to liberty with their political principles on gun control. The Democratic Party’s view on gun control differs from the Republican viewpoint. Democrats believe the right to bear arms should be severely regulated. Some of the regulations they propose are passing a background check, applying for a permit (which includes having to attend a course teaching on how to handle a weapon), and a copy of the citizen’s mental health record. Democrats believe they are still protecting and acknowledging the Second Amendment, but are by having higher gun control restrictions keeping the guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. Democrats believe that strengthening the governments gun control regulations will decrease violence, ignoring that they are infringing on the Declaration of Independence’s inherent right of liberty. The last inalienable right of the Declaration of Independence is the pursuit of happiness. The Republicans best symbolizes this right with their view on taxes. The United States government taxes just about everything, ranging from income taxes to a food taxes to property taxes. The Republican Party believes in only taxing to â€Å"raise money for essential functions. †This means hat Republican believe that the government should spend the citizens tax money only to enforce contracts maintain basic infrastructure and national security, and protect the citizens against criminals. Thus giving American citizens the best chance to pursue happiness. Republicans do not believe the money they get from taxpayers is theirs, but that it is the taxpayers and that it should be invested in a way that is best for them and benefits their futures the most. They strongly believe in keeping taxes low for all citizens. The Republicans are trying to enforce a tax system to help boost the economy called Tax Relief. This program will reduce the taxes for all businesses primarily small businesses to make it easier for the businesses to grow. If this were to happen it would provide many Americans with jobs. Another thing Republicans do to help Americans easier pursue happiness with their beliefs on taxes is they seek to limit the income tax so citizens can save more money, choose easier what they spend their money on, or invest in something. The Democratic position is not like the Republican Party’s and does not represent the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. Democrats aim to raise taxes for government funding that they believe will turn into businesses. They wish to cut taxes for the middle class and increase them upon the wealthy. The wealthy class is considered the top one percent income earners. Contrary to the Republican Party the Democrats believes that you feed in the money with the poor, so rather than giving taxes breaks to the rich, you offer the poor money to go to school, get out of their situation, find a job and move their family in a better home. Citizens will find that the Democratic Party demands many tax increases especially on people who make more than a million dollars a year, also called the one percent. The common argument regarding tax increases, that rich people never pay taxes and regardless of the number they never lose a dime. And that all it does it put more paper in the system making the revenue of the United States of America augment. The Republican party does not only follow the inalienable rights better as they are defined in the Declaration of Independence, but they also follow them better as God given rights. God is the one who gave people the right to life, liberty, and happiness. The Republican views best coincide with the Biblical views of the inalienable rights stated in the Declaration of Independence. The verse Jeremiah 1:4-5 best amplifies the Lord’s view on abortion. It says â€Å"Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: â€Å"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. †This means that the Lord knew everyone before they were born and created him or her each uniquely. Americans are all God’s children and since He knew them before they were born that means taking one of their lives would be murder. Verse Exodus 20:13 says, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill. †Therefore the Republican Party and their position against abortion best follow God’s will of life. The next God given right or inalienable that the Republican Party best represents is liberty. Part of the definition of the indisputable right to liberty is that you may not interfere with or hinder the liberty of another person. The Bible verse that demonstrates the respecting of others liberty is Leviticus 19:18 â€Å"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. †The Republicans represent this with their view on again gun control. The Republicans do not allow gun usage for the misconduct or injury of others. The last God given right is the right to the pursuit of happiness. The Bible verse Ecclesiates 5:19 best demonstrates that God wanted His creations to be happy and pursue it. The verse says, â€Å"Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept His workâ€â€this is a gift of God. †This verse goes along directly with Thomas Jefferson’s definition of the pursuit of happiness. God gave all humans the ability to be happy, but it is their job to pursue it and achieve it. The Republican principle that best goes along with the Biblical view of the pursuit of happiness is taxes because Republicans do their best to use the taxpayer’s money to benefit them. They also try to take as little from people as they can. Based on the Declaration of Independence’s and God given inalienable rights, the Republican Party is the true political party of the United States. The Republican Party best simulates the definitions given by John Locke and Thomas Jefferson for the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They demonstrate this by their political standpoints on the controversial issues of abortion, gun control, and taxes.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis Of The Medical Marketplace Health And Social Care Essay
Although my brother was a comparatively healthy babe, he suffered from terrible asthma onslaughts. At the clip, the interventions of asthma onslaughts were unwritten bronchodilators because inhalators were non readily available to be purchased in Nigeria. The customary process for antagonizing reoccurring asthma onslaughts was for one to see their physician, who would order one an unwritten bronchodilator that one could so buy from their local pharmaceutics. So my female parent took my brother to our local baby doctor who examined him and prescribed the unwritten bronchodilator, aminophylline. ( Harmonizing to the NIH, aminophylline is used to forestall and handle wheezing, shortness of breath, and trouble external respiration caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. It relaxes and opens air transitions in the lungs, doing it easier to take a breath ) . She so went to our local pharmaceutics to buy the aminophylline with the trade name name Franol. As a pediatrician-in-training, my Dad vehemently agreed with this determination and was the primary force in forcing the visit to the physician. He remembered that there were non many other merchandises on the Nigerian market that would be effectual. My female parent gave him one pill instantly and took him place to rest. Weeks subsequently my ma, a physician-in-training herself, was reading a local medical diary when she came to an article about forgery Franol. The article stated that there was imitative Franol on the market that was being distributed to all the pharmaceuticss in the state. Could I hold given my boy bogus medicine †, my female parent idea. This was in fact the instance. Even though the Franol had the exact same pill signifier and was the exact same medicine that had been successful in so many other instances, the Franol she had given to her boy was forgery. She was devastated: â€Å" I merely could n’t believe it †. Unfortunately, this was non her lone experience with imitative medicine ; anti-malarial forgeries were besides common in Nigeria. This occurred in the late eightiess as was mentioned before. One would hold expected that things have gotten much better. Unfortunately, non much had changed when my pa visited earlier this twelvemonth. In fact, as my male parent provinces, some facets have become even more inferior: â€Å" some things are worse as doctors now openly divert patients to their private clinics, something that was barely seen during my clip at that place †. So the basic inquiry that most would inquire is: why has at that place been so small alteration in the efficaciousness of the medical market place? Why can the Nigerian medical market place non germinate to go like that of the United States or others that are smartly regulated? The inquiry is more sophisticated answer than one would anticipate In fact, these inquiries can merely be answered by analysing another inquiry and the cardinal issue of my treatment: how and why does the efficaciousness of the Nigerian medical market place differ from the American system? To be clear, when I mention medical market place, I am specifically mentioning to the buying, merchandising, and efficaciousness of pharmaceuticals and equipment as they are distributed and wheedled in the community to ordain good wellness. Before I delve more profoundly into the issue, it is necessary to set the treatment into context with a elaborate description of Nigeria ( in contrast with the U.S. ) including critical statistics and wellness attention systems, among other things. With a late counted population of more than 144 million people, Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa. Compare this to somewhat more than 300 million in the United States. Located in West Africa, it is somewhat more than twice the size of California and boundary lines the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon. Life anticipation is 44 old ages and 45 per centum of the population is under 15 old ages of age ( Chankova et al. , 1 ) , while life anticipation in the U.S. is about 70 old ages of age. The under-five mortality rate per 1,000 unrecorded births is 201 while the maternal mortality rate is estimate at 800 per 100,000 unrecorded births ( 1 ) . Among the major subscribers to the disease load of the state are malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. There are great disparities in wellness position and equity of wellness attention among different population groups in Nigeria. For illustration â€Å" the under-five mortality rate in rural countries is estimated at 243 per 1,000 unrecorded births, compared to 153 per 1,000 in urban countries. While 59 per centum of adult females in urban countries deliver with a physician, nurse, or mid married woman, merely 26 per centum of adult females in rural countries do so †( 1 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization, the entire outgo on wellness in Nigeria as per centum of GDP is equal to 4.1, about four times less than that of the United State at 15.5 per centum. The national wellness attention policies, schemes, and guidelines have been mostly related to turn to the wellness jobs related to malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. â€Å" A five-year strategic program for RBM was developed with chief aims to cut down the morbidity and mortality of malaria by 25 per centum by the terminal of 2005, peculiarly among pregnant adult females ; and to cut down malaria instance human death by 10 per centum in pregnant adult females and kids by the terminal of 2005 †( 2 ) . However, these attempts have mostly been uneffective because of corruptness and inefficiency. The wellness service proviso in Nigeria includes a broad scope of suppliers in both the populace and private sector, such as public installations, every bit good as community based and religions based organisations. Nigeria is a federation with three grades of authorities: federal, province, and local. Responsibility for wellness service to the populace is based on this organisation. Each degree has a primary function in this wellness duty, which is non unlike that of the U.S. The first degree of attention is local. Facilities at this degree organize the entry point of the community into the wellness attention system. â€Å" They include wellness centres and clinics, dispensaries, and wellness stations, supplying general preventative, healing, and pre-referral attention. Primary installations are typically staffed by nurses, community wellness officers, community wellness extension workers, and environmental wellness officers. Local Government Areas are mandated by the fundamental law to finance and manage primary wellness attention †( 2 ) . The following degree is province, including secondary attention installations. Secondary attention installations include â€Å" general infirmaries, supplying general medical and research lab services, every bit good as specialized wellness services, such as surgery, paediatricss, OBs and gynaecology. General infirmaries are typically staffed by doctors, nurses, accoucheuses, research lab and pharmaceutics spe cializers, and community wellness officers. Secondary degree installations serve as referral points for primary wellness attention installations. Each territory or zone is expected to hold at least one secondary degree wellness installation †( 2 ) . The largest degree of attention is federal or third. The third degree installations form the highest degree of wellness attention in the state and include specializer and instruction infirmaries and federal medical centres. They treat patients referred from the primary and secondary degree and have particular expertness and â€Å" fully fledged technological capacity that enables them to function as referral centres and resource centres for cognition coevals and diffusion. Each province has at least one third installation. Primary and secondary degree of attention is besides provided by the mostly unregulated private wellness sector, which includes a broad scope of suppliers such as physician patterns, clinics, and infirmaries â € ( 2 ) . Outside of the modern wellness attention system, faith-based organisations support clinics and infirmaries and traditional herb doctors are another often used beginning of attention. Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for wellness in Africa comparable merely to Egypt and South Africa. There are about 35,000 physicians and 210,000 nurses registered in the state, which translates into 28 physicians and 170 nurses per 100,000 in the population. ( 3 ) . However, this figure is still dwarfed by the United States. In comparing, the U.S has 218 physicians and 958 nurses per 100,000. In add-on, there is a really limited ( about non-existent ) local capacity for research and development of advanced pharmaceutical drugs to be put in to the medical market place. This means that the local fabrication capacity is merely geared towards a little category of common generic merchandises that are comparatively easy to fabricate. Even so, much of that capacity is for secondary packaging instead than for existent fabrication. Harmonizing to my male parent: â€Å" capacity use is merely approximately 40 % due to hapless basic substructure such as electric power coevals †. Imagine what that excess 40 per centum could make. In footings of the medical market place, a prescription is non needed to purchase antibiotics and most common medicines in Nigeria. Prescriptions are merely needed for controlled substances like opiods or benzodiazepines. Peoples can acquire ill and walk into a pharmaceutics inquiring for a peculiar sort of antibiotic. An immediate return of antibiotics is non possible without a prescription in the U.S. As good, Nigeria relies to a great extent on importing of finished pharmaceutical merchandises to run into national drug demands. Therefore, the pharmaceutical supply concatenation is really helter-skelter and until late was really ill regulated. Even so, the current regulative system has really limited capacity, particularly with the widespread corruptness and unequal enforcement of Torahs and ordinances, some of which are long disused. Unlike in the US, go oning instruction is non emphasized. Health attention suppliers frequently are non held decently accountable for their determina tions on attention, mostly because the patients are by and large uninformed and unempowered to be spouses in their attention. Added to all of the above is the fact that there is widespread superstitious notion, ignorance, and poorness. Many people still believe an unwellness to be a expletive visited on them by wicked/evil people or the spirit of their ascendants. There are still deep rooted beliefs in enchantresss. As a consequence, people foremost consult mediums, churches, mosques, traditional medical specialty men/women, and untrained drug shop attenders for intervention of common complaints. Others self-medicate. Often, the people use the infirmary or trained physician ‘s office as a last resort when their conditions are in advanced phases or worse, terminal. Let me besides add that in infirmaries and exigency suites, drugs and other supplies are frequently non-existent. In fact, my pa recounted sing a kids ‘s exigency room 6 old ages back: â€Å" I remember sing a kids ‘s exigency room in 2004 when we visited merely to see a kid with diabetic coma whose parents were told to travel to a pharmaceutics shop in town to purchase their ain insulin, syringe, needle, extract set, and extract, among other supplies needed. As if that was non bad plenty, subsequently he was told by the physicians in the exigency room that the insulin he bought was forgery and that it will non cut down the girl ‘s blood sugar. He now had to travel looking for a echt insulin injection †. An incident like this is can ne’er go on in the United States. If this were to go on in the U.S. and be reported by the imperativeness, there would instantly be an probe into the infirmary ‘s method, people would be arrested and caputs would tur n over. But in Nigeria, no one even water chickweeds. Subsequently my male parent recounted some more of his experiences with the medical market place in Nigeria: â€Å" In 2005, I was in another infirmary to see the caput of the infirmary who used to be my co-worker in the section of paediatricss of a teaching infirmary in another metropolis. While chew the fating with him, his caput of surgery came into his office to inform him that they can non make any surgery that twenty-four hours because they have run out of all surgical kits but one, which they are reserving for a desperate exigency †. One must maintain in head that these two incidents occurred in the really best and largest infirmaries in those two several metropoliss. Imagine a sawbones in New York City non being able to execute life-saving surgery because he has merely one surgical kit left to utilize. What tumult would such a thing cause! These two incidents and the aforesaid issues are among the many factors that foster the counterfeiting of drugs and have led to th eir overpowering presence in the Nigerian medical market place. In an interview with my ma, she stated, â€Å" they say that 60-70 % of pharmaceuticals in the market topographic point of Nigeria were imitative †. However, in my interview of my male parent he refuted that statistic: â€Å" of pharmaceutical merchandises in the market, approximately 20 % are estimated to be imitative †. So which statistic is accurate? Well, merely the fact that there is some difference as to the sum of forgeries on the market suggests that there is an innate job with the information that is distributed to the population. My parents are highly educated compared to the mean Nigerian, yet there still seems to be some dissension. â€Å" Everyone involved in contending the illegal trade admit how hard it is to quantify the job and hence step its success †. As stated by Abiodun Raufu of the World Health Organization, the forgery market thrives on ignorance among the people: â€Å" In 2001, most Nigerian consumers were unmindful to the danger of f orgery drugs. ‘Fake drug traders used to boom chiefly because of a deficiency of consciousness ‘ [ stated Dora Akunyil ] . Warnings were broadcast on wireless and telecasting to do the public aware of the dangers and to promote people to describe leery drugs. Newspapers on a regular basis published lists on forgery drugs. Last twelvemonth, fake drugs deserving about two billion naira ( US $ 16 million! ) were voluntarily handed over by forgers or seized after tip-offs from the populace †. Progression is being made but his deficiency of consciousness will finally forestall the cognition of caution from spreading through the population. How does this contrast with the U.S. ? Surprisingly, there is a turning job of forgery drugs in the U.S. every bit good because of the turning disposition of upper category society to seek â€Å" non-traditional †medicine imported from different states. Harmonizing to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medi cine: ‘more than one-third ( about 36 % ) of U.S grownups use complementary and alternate medical specialty and that figure is on the rise †. Let ‘s travel back to the about tragic narrative of my older brother and his terrible asthma onslaughts. Although the consequence was about tragic, my ma did what she was supposed to make. She gave her boy medicine that she expected to assist alleviate his symptoms. So whose mistake was it? Depending on who you ask the reply will change, most patients will fault the physician because he was the 1 who wrote the prescription. Others will fault the druggist because he was the 1 who bottled the medicine as if it was the exact same medicine. Still others will fault themselves for giving their kid medicine that hurt them. To this twenty-four hours, my ma blames herself for what occurred and remains cautious when she gives her kids medicine. Even so, indicating the finger is non of import in this state of affairs. More of import than who is to fault is analysing whether the state of affairs is still salvageable. At some point in every issue or treatment, there is a point of no return, where any solution becomes inaccessible. Could the medical market place in Nigeria have already been packed to the top with so many forgery drugs that it will be impossible to blush them all out, or at least to the degree of tolerability? Still, some argue that an chance exists for betterment in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector and the full wellness attention system. There was a recent U.S. wellness attention reform jurisprudence passed in March 2010. While the jurisprudence ( Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ PPACA ] ) remains controversial, the jurisprudence expanded coverage to the antecedently uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions, provided single authorizations so that those who are healthy can purchase insurance coverage thereby avoiding an unduly big bad pool that the insurance companies may be left with, and developed the program for the constitution of Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute ( PCORI ) to measure comparative effectivity of attention, among many other commissariats ( Kruger ) . Many Nigerian physicians, particularly those in the U.S. have discussed the possibility of suggesting statute law that has elements of this American statute law. There is talk that such a proviso may come up on the national treatment in the following 10 old ages. Besides, Nigeria has been at the head of planetary attempts to contend forgery drugs since Dora Akunyili took over the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control ( NAFDAC ) in 2001 ( Raufu ) . â€Å" Before Akunyili took over, staff abused their place to extort money from honest makers at the same clip as taking payoff from forgers in return for entree to the Nigerian medical specialties market. Akunyili fired the most corrupt of her officers. To promote honestness among her staying 3000 staff and to hike morale, she offered inducements such as preparation abroad, improved installations and a better working environment †. Nevertheless, no affair how promising this sounds, the obliteration of such jobs as counterfeiting is non even remotely close. The solution to these jobs ( which besides reflects what is go oning within the full society ) rests with leading. As my male parent pr ovinces: â€Å" Nigerian leaders and elites non merely steal public money instead than utilize such money to for the greater good of the people, they and their households fly abroad for their wellness attention and their kids ‘s instruction. So they lack the will or involvement to do things better for the generalization of the population †. Furthermore, nil in the medical market place will alter because leading will ne’er basically change for the greater good of the people of Nigeria. The point of no return has been reached. Analysis Of The Medical Marketplace Health And Social Care Essay Although my brother was a comparatively healthy babe, he suffered from terrible asthma onslaughts. At the clip, the interventions of asthma onslaughts were unwritten bronchodilators because inhalators were non readily available to be purchased in Nigeria. The customary process for antagonizing reoccurring asthma onslaughts was for one to see their physician, who would order one an unwritten bronchodilator that one could so buy from their local pharmaceutics. So my female parent took my brother to our local baby doctor who examined him and prescribed the unwritten bronchodilator, aminophylline. ( Harmonizing to the NIH, aminophylline is used to forestall and handle wheezing, shortness of breath, and trouble external respiration caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. It relaxes and opens air transitions in the lungs, doing it easier to take a breath ) . She so went to our local pharmaceutics to buy the aminophylline with the trade name name Franol. As a pediatrician-in-training, my Dad vehemently agreed with this determination and was the primary force in forcing the visit to the physician. He remembered that there were non many other merchandises on the Nigerian market that would be effectual. My female parent gave him one pill instantly and took him place to rest. Weeks subsequently my ma, a physician-in-training herself, was reading a local medical diary when she came to an article about forgery Franol. The article stated that there was imitative Franol on the market that was being distributed to all the pharmaceuticss in the state. Could I hold given my boy bogus medicine †, my female parent idea. This was in fact the instance. Even though the Franol had the exact same pill signifier and was the exact same medicine that had been successful in so many other instances, the Franol she had given to her boy was forgery. She was devastated: â€Å" I merely could n’t believe it †. Unfortunately, this was non her lone experience with imitative medicine ; anti-malarial forgeries were besides common in Nigeria. This occurred in the late eightiess as was mentioned before. One would hold expected that things have gotten much better. Unfortunately, non much had changed when my pa visited earlier this twelvemonth. In fact, as my male parent provinces, some facets have become even more inferior: â€Å" some things are worse as doctors now openly divert patients to their private clinics, something that was barely seen during my clip at that place †. So the basic inquiry that most would inquire is: why has at that place been so small alteration in the efficaciousness of the medical market place? Why can the Nigerian medical market place non germinate to go like that of the United States or others that are smartly regulated? The inquiry is more sophisticated answer than one would anticipate In fact, these inquiries can merely be answered by analysing another inquiry and the cardinal issue of my treatment: how and why does the efficaciousness of the Nigerian medical market place differ from the American system? To be clear, when I mention medical market place, I am specifically mentioning to the buying, merchandising, and efficaciousness of pharmaceuticals and equipment as they are distributed and wheedled in the community to ordain good wellness. Before I delve more profoundly into the issue, it is necessary to set the treatment into context with a elaborate description of Nigeria ( in contrast with the U.S. ) including critical statistics and wellness attention systems, among other things. With a late counted population of more than 144 million people, Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa. Compare this to somewhat more than 300 million in the United States. Located in West Africa, it is somewhat more than twice the size of California and boundary lines the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon. Life anticipation is 44 old ages and 45 per centum of the population is under 15 old ages of age ( Chankova et al. , 1 ) , while life anticipation in the U.S. is about 70 old ages of age. The under-five mortality rate per 1,000 unrecorded births is 201 while the maternal mortality rate is estimate at 800 per 100,000 unrecorded births ( 1 ) . Among the major subscribers to the disease load of the state are malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. There are great disparities in wellness position and equity of wellness attention among different population groups in Nigeria. For illustration â€Å" the under-five mortality rate in rural countries is estimated at 243 per 1,000 unrecorded births, compared to 153 per 1,000 in urban countries. While 59 per centum of adult females in urban countries deliver with a physician, nurse, or mid married woman, merely 26 per centum of adult females in rural countries do so †( 1 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization, the entire outgo on wellness in Nigeria as per centum of GDP is equal to 4.1, about four times less than that of the United State at 15.5 per centum. The national wellness attention policies, schemes, and guidelines have been mostly related to turn to the wellness jobs related to malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. â€Å" A five-year strategic program for RBM was developed with chief aims to cut down the morbidity and mortality of malaria by 25 per centum by the terminal of 2005, peculiarly among pregnant adult females ; and to cut down malaria instance human death by 10 per centum in pregnant adult females and kids by the terminal of 2005 †( 2 ) . However, these attempts have mostly been uneffective because of corruptness and inefficiency. The wellness service proviso in Nigeria includes a broad scope of suppliers in both the populace and private sector, such as public installations, every bit good as community based and religions based organisations. Nigeria is a federation with three grades of authorities: federal, province, and local. Responsibility for wellness service to the populace is based on this organisation. Each degree has a primary function in this wellness duty, which is non unlike that of the U.S. The first degree of attention is local. Facilities at this degree organize the entry point of the community into the wellness attention system. â€Å" They include wellness centres and clinics, dispensaries, and wellness stations, supplying general preventative, healing, and pre-referral attention. Primary installations are typically staffed by nurses, community wellness officers, community wellness extension workers, and environmental wellness officers. Local Government Areas are mandated by the fundamental law to finance and manage primary wellness attention †( 2 ) . The following degree is province, including secondary attention installations. Secondary attention installations include â€Å" general infirmaries, supplying general medical and research lab services, every bit good as specialized wellness services, such as surgery, paediatricss, OBs and gynaecology. General infirmaries are typically staffed by doctors, nurses, accoucheuses, research lab and pharmaceutics spe cializers, and community wellness officers. Secondary degree installations serve as referral points for primary wellness attention installations. Each territory or zone is expected to hold at least one secondary degree wellness installation †( 2 ) . The largest degree of attention is federal or third. The third degree installations form the highest degree of wellness attention in the state and include specializer and instruction infirmaries and federal medical centres. They treat patients referred from the primary and secondary degree and have particular expertness and â€Å" fully fledged technological capacity that enables them to function as referral centres and resource centres for cognition coevals and diffusion. Each province has at least one third installation. Primary and secondary degree of attention is besides provided by the mostly unregulated private wellness sector, which includes a broad scope of suppliers such as physician patterns, clinics, and infirmaries â € ( 2 ) . Outside of the modern wellness attention system, faith-based organisations support clinics and infirmaries and traditional herb doctors are another often used beginning of attention. Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for wellness in Africa comparable merely to Egypt and South Africa. There are about 35,000 physicians and 210,000 nurses registered in the state, which translates into 28 physicians and 170 nurses per 100,000 in the population. ( 3 ) . However, this figure is still dwarfed by the United States. In comparing, the U.S has 218 physicians and 958 nurses per 100,000. In add-on, there is a really limited ( about non-existent ) local capacity for research and development of advanced pharmaceutical drugs to be put in to the medical market place. This means that the local fabrication capacity is merely geared towards a little category of common generic merchandises that are comparatively easy to fabricate. Even so, much of that capacity is for secondary packaging instead than for existent fabrication. Harmonizing to my male parent: â€Å" capacity use is merely approximately 40 % due to hapless basic substructure such as electric power coevals †. Imagine what that excess 40 per centum could make. In footings of the medical market place, a prescription is non needed to purchase antibiotics and most common medicines in Nigeria. Prescriptions are merely needed for controlled substances like opiods or benzodiazepines. Peoples can acquire ill and walk into a pharmaceutics inquiring for a peculiar sort of antibiotic. An immediate return of antibiotics is non possible without a prescription in the U.S. As good, Nigeria relies to a great extent on importing of finished pharmaceutical merchandises to run into national drug demands. Therefore, the pharmaceutical supply concatenation is really helter-skelter and until late was really ill regulated. Even so, the current regulative system has really limited capacity, particularly with the widespread corruptness and unequal enforcement of Torahs and ordinances, some of which are long disused. Unlike in the US, go oning instruction is non emphasized. Health attention suppliers frequently are non held decently accountable for their determina tions on attention, mostly because the patients are by and large uninformed and unempowered to be spouses in their attention. Added to all of the above is the fact that there is widespread superstitious notion, ignorance, and poorness. Many people still believe an unwellness to be a expletive visited on them by wicked/evil people or the spirit of their ascendants. There are still deep rooted beliefs in enchantresss. As a consequence, people foremost consult mediums, churches, mosques, traditional medical specialty men/women, and untrained drug shop attenders for intervention of common complaints. Others self-medicate. Often, the people use the infirmary or trained physician ‘s office as a last resort when their conditions are in advanced phases or worse, terminal. Let me besides add that in infirmaries and exigency suites, drugs and other supplies are frequently non-existent. In fact, my pa recounted sing a kids ‘s exigency room 6 old ages back: â€Å" I remember sing a kids ‘s exigency room in 2004 when we visited merely to see a kid with diabetic coma whose parents were told to travel to a pharmaceutics shop in town to purchase their ain insulin, syringe, needle, extract set, and extract, among other supplies needed. As if that was non bad plenty, subsequently he was told by the physicians in the exigency room that the insulin he bought was forgery and that it will non cut down the girl ‘s blood sugar. He now had to travel looking for a echt insulin injection †. An incident like this is can ne’er go on in the United States. If this were to go on in the U.S. and be reported by the imperativeness, there would instantly be an probe into the infirmary ‘s method, people would be arrested and caputs would tur n over. But in Nigeria, no one even water chickweeds. Subsequently my male parent recounted some more of his experiences with the medical market place in Nigeria: â€Å" In 2005, I was in another infirmary to see the caput of the infirmary who used to be my co-worker in the section of paediatricss of a teaching infirmary in another metropolis. While chew the fating with him, his caput of surgery came into his office to inform him that they can non make any surgery that twenty-four hours because they have run out of all surgical kits but one, which they are reserving for a desperate exigency †. One must maintain in head that these two incidents occurred in the really best and largest infirmaries in those two several metropoliss. Imagine a sawbones in New York City non being able to execute life-saving surgery because he has merely one surgical kit left to utilize. What tumult would such a thing cause! These two incidents and the aforesaid issues are among the many factors that foster the counterfeiting of drugs and have led to th eir overpowering presence in the Nigerian medical market place. In an interview with my ma, she stated, â€Å" they say that 60-70 % of pharmaceuticals in the market topographic point of Nigeria were imitative †. However, in my interview of my male parent he refuted that statistic: â€Å" of pharmaceutical merchandises in the market, approximately 20 % are estimated to be imitative †. So which statistic is accurate? Well, merely the fact that there is some difference as to the sum of forgeries on the market suggests that there is an innate job with the information that is distributed to the population. My parents are highly educated compared to the mean Nigerian, yet there still seems to be some dissension. â€Å" Everyone involved in contending the illegal trade admit how hard it is to quantify the job and hence step its success †. As stated by Abiodun Raufu of the World Health Organization, the forgery market thrives on ignorance among the people: â€Å" In 2001, most Nigerian consumers were unmindful to the danger of f orgery drugs. ‘Fake drug traders used to boom chiefly because of a deficiency of consciousness ‘ [ stated Dora Akunyil ] . Warnings were broadcast on wireless and telecasting to do the public aware of the dangers and to promote people to describe leery drugs. Newspapers on a regular basis published lists on forgery drugs. Last twelvemonth, fake drugs deserving about two billion naira ( US $ 16 million! ) were voluntarily handed over by forgers or seized after tip-offs from the populace †. Progression is being made but his deficiency of consciousness will finally forestall the cognition of caution from spreading through the population. How does this contrast with the U.S. ? Surprisingly, there is a turning job of forgery drugs in the U.S. every bit good because of the turning disposition of upper category society to seek â€Å" non-traditional †medicine imported from different states. Harmonizing to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medi cine: ‘more than one-third ( about 36 % ) of U.S grownups use complementary and alternate medical specialty and that figure is on the rise †. Let ‘s travel back to the about tragic narrative of my older brother and his terrible asthma onslaughts. Although the consequence was about tragic, my ma did what she was supposed to make. She gave her boy medicine that she expected to assist alleviate his symptoms. So whose mistake was it? Depending on who you ask the reply will change, most patients will fault the physician because he was the 1 who wrote the prescription. Others will fault the druggist because he was the 1 who bottled the medicine as if it was the exact same medicine. Still others will fault themselves for giving their kid medicine that hurt them. To this twenty-four hours, my ma blames herself for what occurred and remains cautious when she gives her kids medicine. Even so, indicating the finger is non of import in this state of affairs. More of import than who is to fault is analysing whether the state of affairs is still salvageable. At some point in every issue or treatment, there is a point of no return, where any solution becomes inaccessible. Could the medical market place in Nigeria have already been packed to the top with so many forgery drugs that it will be impossible to blush them all out, or at least to the degree of tolerability? Still, some argue that an chance exists for betterment in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector and the full wellness attention system. There was a recent U.S. wellness attention reform jurisprudence passed in March 2010. While the jurisprudence ( Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ PPACA ] ) remains controversial, the jurisprudence expanded coverage to the antecedently uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions, provided single authorizations so that those who are healthy can purchase insurance coverage thereby avoiding an unduly big bad pool that the insurance companies may be left with, and developed the program for the constitution of Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute ( PCORI ) to measure comparative effectivity of attention, among many other commissariats ( Kruger ) . Many Nigerian physicians, particularly those in the U.S. have discussed the possibility of suggesting statute law that has elements of this American statute law. There is talk that such a proviso may come up on the national treatment in the following 10 old ages. Besides, Nigeria has been at the head of planetary attempts to contend forgery drugs since Dora Akunyili took over the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control ( NAFDAC ) in 2001 ( Raufu ) . â€Å" Before Akunyili took over, staff abused their place to extort money from honest makers at the same clip as taking payoff from forgers in return for entree to the Nigerian medical specialties market. Akunyili fired the most corrupt of her officers. To promote honestness among her staying 3000 staff and to hike morale, she offered inducements such as preparation abroad, improved installations and a better working environment †. Nevertheless, no affair how promising this sounds, the obliteration of such jobs as counterfeiting is non even remotely close. The solution to these jobs ( which besides reflects what is go oning within the full society ) rests with leading. As my male parent pr ovinces: â€Å" Nigerian leaders and elites non merely steal public money instead than utilize such money to for the greater good of the people, they and their households fly abroad for their wellness attention and their kids ‘s instruction. So they lack the will or involvement to do things better for the generalization of the population †. Furthermore, nil in the medical market place will alter because leading will ne’er basically change for the greater good of the people of Nigeria. The point of no return has been reached.
Journey of man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Journey of man - Essay Example This essay will expound on this thesis. In this most compelling story of natural history, the pivotal moment was the great Ice Age that set in 50 thousand years ago. Up until this point, the entire human population (technically of the species Homo sapiens) were confined to just the African continent. This is understandable, for most of the early hominids evolved in this landmass, with the evolution of our species being a natural progression. With the onset of the Ice Age, the rich and diverse ecology of central and southern Africa began to change. With the substantial drop in temperatures, the erstwhile green and fertile regions began to dry up. The early human populations that depended on this ecosystem for survival faced drought like conditions. To illustrate the depth of the problem, the sea-shore caves of South Africa, which were used as shelter by primitive people, became ever more distant from the shore line – nearly 40 kilometers at the peak of the Ice Age. Such radical changes to the ecology forced people to move toward he north-east of the continent, where the climate was somewhat more temperate. And this crisis for survival is perhaps the most important event in anthropology. For, without it, Homo sapiens might not have ever left Africa. In consequence, the richness, diversity and reach of human species might have been limited. There are many interesting subplots within the epic narrative of Journey of Man. What each of these subplots tells us is that there is a shared sense of adventure and enterprise inherent in our species. To begin with, the populating of the Australian continent was a tantalizing story of adventure and chance. Scientists were first confounded by the 6000 mile of ocean that separated the East African coast from the nearest shore in Australia. Later it came to light that the radically new geological conditions created by the Ice Age provided an easy passage wherever the sea had receded. In geological timescales, usually popu lations within a species only gradually expand their habitat. But the speed with which our species moved out of Africa was unprecedented in the history of evolution. This is underscored by the astounding fact that in Australia there was not even a single primate species when humans arrived there. Likewise the crossing of the arctic inhabiting Chikchu people into the New World is another historical achievement of our species. The Americans who are newly native to this expansive continent nearly covered its entire breadth and width in less than a millennia of its advent. Instances such as these highlight how all groups within our species shared the same spirit of adventure and tenacity for survival. It is these qualities that unites us as humans and makes us the most intelligent and successful species on the planet. Another interesting information presented in the documentary is how modern Europeans took a complex migratory route to arrive at Western Europe. The lore of the Cro-Magnon man is very prescient to the mind as they conquered the temperate and cold climes of Europe with a physiology that was ill suited to these conditions. In other words, the early inhabitants of Europe were dark skinned people, who quickly acquired a paler complexion. They were also very imaginative and creative in finding the means to adapt and survive in conditions that are alien to those found in the Central
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 67
Assignment Example This movie shows that Child health care has been changing over the past centuries, in Brazil. It has been influenced by a number of factors, which include the historical period, guideline of social policies, scientific and technological advances, and the involvement of different social segments and agents (Bailes et al. 1990). According to the movie, disease characteristics and population’s differential health are vital for research in Brazilian communities. For example, epidemiological studies in maternal-child health usually address neonatal and perinatal health that illustrate that there are significant relationships between health and disease processes such as nutrition, sanitation, medical care, and income among other health-disease processes (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). According to this movie, the unexpected appearance of a strange and fatal pediatric disease, in 1980, alarmed Brazilian public health officials and clinicians to conduct a number of collaborative assessm ents to find the cause this disease. Collaboration between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Sao Paulo Secretariat identified that this disease is caused by Haemophilus influenza biogroup aegyptius bacteremia, and eventually named Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) (Bailes et al. 1990). The movie also presents that the current epidemiological process is based on the concept of risk (Bailes et al. 1990). Medical practitioners, including nurses, are advised to focus on health risk factors to ensure quality health care delivery to the community. In addition, they should primarily focus on risk factors that affects a large number of people like a whole community, but not on an individual. This will enhance the establishment of health service priorities and approximate preventive care needs and community health promotion. For instance,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Relationship Marketing and Ethical Standards Essay
Relationship Marketing and Ethical Standards - Essay Example ess) in addition to a tarnished reputation in the market because the business customer has also customers who are dependent to its products and/or services. In addition to quality, competitive price and promptness of delivery, the seller has to be reliable also that the same product of service can be had for as long as there is a demand. It is important that the company must have code of conduct that governs the ethical practice of all its employees. This removes the ambivalence and difficulty of determining which conduct is unethical and which is not. Having a clear standard of what is ethical and what is not, it would be easier for the marketing manager to ensure that ethical standards at the micro or macro level of marketing is present because all he has to do is to implement the company’s code of ethical conduct. The employees concerned also know the guidelines that should govern their acts in the company making it easier for the marketing manager have ethics in his
Friday, July 26, 2019
Did slavery retard industrialization in the South Term Paper
Did slavery retard industrialization in the South - Term Paper Example , the value of slaves in the United States had escalated exceeding the invested values of all the nation’s factories, banks, and railroads combined (Morgan, 1983). This was such that, by the time the eve of the civil war came the prices of cotton had risen where the confederate leaders believed that necessity of cotton in the world market would assist the south with military and diplomatic support they required for victory. However, that was not the case because as they were trying to mobilize the important strengths and weakness slave labor and free market became clearer, especially in relation to supporting the economy. This essay will answer the question of whether slavery retarded the economy of the South. During the war, smaller industrial base did the mobilizing of the troops, an agricultural economy and fewer rail lines that were based on slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult in the South. This resulted to the economy of the South to become shaky throughout the war (Smith & Economic History Society, 1998). The Emancipation Proclamation both enraged the South promising them freedom for their slaves threatening the existence of its primary labor source. This caused the economy of the South to suffer in 1864 as the Union Armies battered with the Confederate troops in the western and eastern theaters (Fearon & Laitin, 2003). This lowered the productivity of the South as the war slowed down the advantage of slavery that the North had over the South. Therefore, although slavery was established to be highly profitable it had a negative impact on the economy of the South because it impeded on the development of cities, industries. This in turn contributed to soil exhaustion, high debts and lack of technological innovation. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, he states, â€Å"slavery is no scholar, no improver, it does not love the whistle of the railroad; it does not love the newspaper, the mail-bag, a college, a book or a preacher who
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Sexual harrasment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sexual harrasment - Essay Example ke visual, verbal or physical; which can be of sexual nature and as a result are referred to be sexual harassment when the behavior is not welcome and if it’s pervasive or severe. More examples of sexual discrimination conducts: Written or verbal: comments on personal behavior, clothing or person’s body sex-based or sexual jokes, repeatedly asking an individual out or request of sexual favors, sexual innuendoes, rumors concerning an individual’s sexual or personal life and threaten any person sexually. Non-sexual conduct can as well be sexual harassment when harassed when you are female rather than male and vice-versa (MacKinnon and Catherine, 1979). For instance, it is sexual harassment when a woman working as a carpenter on an all-male job; and you become the only one whereby tools are normally hidden by their male co-workers. A single unintended request for date or one making suggestive comment might offend a person may or may not be taken as sexual harassment. But several associated minor separate incidents may add up into sexual harassment, especially when the incidents influence your working conditions (William, Petrocelli and Repa, 1998). Some of the questions which an individual can ask himself to determine on whether a certain conduct is pervasive are: For how long has the harassment been taking place? How many times did occurrences take place? How many other individuals were sexually harassed? Harassments can range from distracting or annoying comments to acts of threats, intimidation or demands involving sexual conduct. Majority of people would be in agreement that any employee whom the supervisor conducts sexual needs accompanied by job associated threats is in a troubling or serious condition (MacKinnon and Catherine, 1979). This is particularly where there are fewer jobs and when the employee has got few job skills. Even though, less blatant kinds of sexual harassment can have serious impacts of jeopardizing employee’s gain or career
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
HR Management Manners Europe Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
HR Management Manners Europe Case - Essay Example One of the prime issues faced by the company was relating to the aspect of motivation to work. Employees were seen to be less serious about their commitment towards the organization and to give personal life more importance at all occasions. They fail to realize that at times when the organization requires employee commitment, it becomes necessary to put aside personal lives temporarily. When employees are faced with emergencies, the company realizes the situations and grants them leaves so that they can meet their responsibilities towards family and others. Similarly when the organization is encountering an emergency scenario, it is the responsibility of employees to put aside their personal lives and meet organizational needs. Employee-organization commitment is, therefore, a two way aspect.Tom Steiger, the Director of Finance, had cited an example to Wilman related to employees’ motivation to work. Tom said that the company was often late in submitting reports to the US off ice. A week earlier when the company was trying to meet the time schedule for accounting reports, Tom and two other employees decided to come in early on Saturday. One of the junior employees of the two had taken leave from the office after working for only two hours and then returned after almost four hours. The employee completely neglected the matter that the company was facing a deadline issue and it was required on his part to stay and help the other employees in completing the task on time.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Compare and contrast the biological processes underlying innate and Essay - 1
Compare and contrast the biological processes underlying innate and adaptive immunity - Essay Example However, it is notable that the reactions also differ with aspect to the response they facilitate, as well as, how they facilitate the same towards the pathogens (The Open University, 2006, p 137). Other differences of activity also major along the effect or cells and specificity of the varied classes of the microbes. Nonetheless, these immunity reactions remain key in facilitating health to the human body. The innate immunity is for the nonspecific defense mechanisms that react to the entry or appearance of the antigen to the body immediately or within hours. The components of the innate immunity reactions include the physical barriers such as the skin, the chemicals in the blood and the all immune system cells that engage the foreign cells in the body (The Open University, 2006, p 138). Thus, it is notable that the innate response activation is from the chemical properties of the antigens. The adaptive immunity, on the contrary, refers to all the antigen specific responses of the immune system. It entails a complex immune response reaction compared to the innate immunity. The adaptive immunity requires that the antigen be processed and recognized (The Open University, 2006, p 139). Once the antigen processing and recognition ends, then the system creates a new system of immune cells that specifically fit the antigen processed. The adaptive immunity entails a memory, which makes the r esponse possible in the future against the antigen or even more specific antigens. The adaptive immune system, is emergent from the existence of the pathogen. The illustration of the vaccine process is a good example of the adaptive immune system in action. The cells and proteins that are always present in the body and ready to mobilize and launch a defense against the microbes at the infection site constitute the innate immune systems. The innate immune system does have several core components making the entire defense army of the body. The
The Heabas Corpus and Its Evolution Essay Example for Free
The Heabas Corpus and Its Evolution Essay An ancient law writ which detains aliens of war in a detention facility by the Supreme Court’s expanded jurisdiction leaves those without knowledge of the Habeas Corpus Act means to understand what the act entitles, its originality, and the evolution. The word habeas corpus in the Latin language means â€Å"you have the body†, which represents an important right granted to individuals in America (Kelly, M.). This is a judicial mandate requiring that a prisoner be brought before the court to determine whether the government has the right to continue detaining them in a detention facility (Kelly, M. ). The person or persons’ being held can petition the court for a writ of habeas corpus if he or she objects to the imprisonment. The petition must explain to the court the imprisonment order is an order of wrongful imprisonment. The right of habeas corpus is the constitutionally bestowed right of a person to present evidence before a court that he or she has been wrongfully accused (Kelly, M.). â€Å"The right of writs of habeas corpus are granted in Article I, Section 9, clause 2 of the Constitution, which states, The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.†(The United States Constitution, 2004) The establishment of the habeas corpus is not certainly clear, but it seems to date back to Magna Carta in 1215 (Robertson, J.D.). According to Robertson, its principle effect was achieved in the Middle Ages by various wits, of which gave similar effect as the modern writ (Robertson, J.D.). The habeas corpus was originally established as a prerogative writ of the King and his courts, now as time passes, the habeas corpus has evolved into a writ petitioned by a person imprisoned acting in his or her own interest (Robertson, J.D.). After reading the article by Robertson it was made clear, during Magna Carta time, habeas corpus was referenced to â€Å"the law of the land†(Robertson, J.D.). With the exact quote: â€Å"No free man shall be taken or imprisoned of disseized or exiled or in any way destroyed except by the lawful judgment of their peers or by the law of the land†(Robertson, J.D.). Shortly after the start of the American War President Abraham Lincoln ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in 1861(Langley, R.). The reason being was the arrest of John Merryman by the Union troops, but the Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court Roger B. Taney decline Lincoln’s order and issued a writ of habeas corpus with orders for the U.S. Military to bring Merryman before the Supreme Court (Langley, R.). The Chief Justice Taney declared Lincoln’s suspension of the habeas corpus unconstitutional, after Lincoln and the military refuse to abide by the order of the Chief Justice (Langley, R.). On September 24, 1862, President Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the right to writs of habeas corpus nationwide (Langley, R.). Which states; â€Å"Whereas, it has become necessary to call into service not only volunteers but also portions of the militia of the States by draft in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States, and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary processes of law from hindering this measure and from giving aid and comfort in various ways to the insurrection;†â€Å"Now, therefore, be it ordered, first, that during the existing insurrection and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all Rebels and Insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice, affording aid and comfort to Rebels against the authority of United States, shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by Courts Martial or Military Commission:†â€Å"Second. That the Writ of Habeas Corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall be, imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement by any military authority of by the sentence of any Court Martial or Military Commission.†(Langley, R.) As time moves forward to the year of 2006, President Bush signed a law suspending the right of habeas corpus to persons deemed by the United States to be â€Å"enemy combatant†in the Global War on Terror (Langley, R.). This action caused a lot of confusion and criticism because the law did not specify who in the United States would be considered an â€Å"enemy combatant†(Langley, R.). With this action by the Bush administration, the terrorists and other combatants are not covered by the Geneva Conventions due the fact these people are not soldiers and not covered by the U.S. Bill of Rights because they are not considered citizens (Langley, R.). In 2008, after the Boumediene v. Bush, a case which was held in the Supreme Court in regards to five young men were placed in a detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 2002, the Supreme Court ruled that any enemy combatants held in the U.S. territory are entitled to the writ of Habeas Corpus as stated in the United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 9 (Newman, Gerald L.). The evolution of the Habeas Corpus Act was and is intention of ones’ civil rights and liberties. In violation of this act of detaining a person for unjustifiable cause is stripping this person of their liberties, but as time go by there will be more debates to justify this act. As for now, the Habeas Corpus Act is in effect and is very well understood. It can be well said, any one person detained, can well be heard in the case of an unlawful act by the detainee. References Kelly, Martin Definition of Habeas Corpus Retrieved from; The United States Constitution (2004, September) Retrieved from; Habeas Corpus the Most Extraordinary Writ Retrieved from; Langley, Robert Lincoln Issues Proclamation Suspending the Habeas Corpus Rights Retrieved from; Newman, Gerald L. The Habeas Corpus Suspension Clause After Boumediene V. Bush Retrieved from; http: //
Monday, July 22, 2019
Classical and Operant Conditioning Essay Example for Free
Classical and Operant Conditioning Essay Behavioural therapies emerged in the 1950s. The main assumption of the behavioural view is that abnormal behaviour is acquired in the same way as normal behaviour, through the principles of Classical and Operant Conditioning. Behavioural therapy is usually targets at specific, well-delineated anxiety disorders such as phobias and compulsions. One therapy that is used through Classical Conditioning is Systematic Desensitisation. Classical Conditioning is learning that occurs through association. Systematic Desensitisation is used for people with phobias as it de-conditions phobias using relaxation and gradual contact. Individuals might learn that their feared stimulus was not so fearful after all if they could only re-experience the feared stimulus but the anxiety it creates blocks such recovery. This is overcome by introducing the feared stimulus gradually. In this type of behavioural therapy, based on the principle of counter-conditioning, a fearful person imagines a series of progressively more fearsome situations while he or she is deeply relaxed. The responses of relaxation and fear are incompatible, and the fear is eventually dispelled. The use of Systematic Desensitisation was first developed by Wolpe in the 1950s. Systematic Desensitisation enables individuals to overcome their anxieties by learning to relax n the presence of stimuli that once made them unbearably nervous and afraid. Wolpes basic idea was to replace one response (fear) with another (relaxation). This is particularly useful for treating psychological problems in which anxiety is the main difficulty for example phobias, shyness etc. The mode of action of Systematic Desensitisation is that in the early days of Systematic Desensitisation, patients would learn to confront their feared situations. They would gradually overcome their fears by learning to relax in the presence of objects or images that would normally arouse anxiety. Today, this is not the case, the therapists ask the subject to imagine the presence of the feared stimulus rather than actually presenting it. Systematic Desensitisation typically involves steps. First, patients are taught how to relax their muscles. Then the therapist and patient construct a hierarchy, the patient gradually works their way up the hierarchy, visualising each anxiety-evoking event while engaging in the completing relaxation responses. Once one step is mastered they move to the next step, continuing up the hierarchy until they have mastered their feared situation. Research has found that Systematic Desensitisation is successful for a range of anxiety disorders e.g. about 75% of patients with phobias responded to this method of therapy (McGrath et al, 1990). However spontaneous recovery (recovery without treatment) from phobias has been found to be as high as 50-60% (McMorran et al, 2001). This shows that Systematic Desensitisation may contribute little to recovery. Systematic Desensitisation has also been used with OCD patients. The technique of exposure and response prevention has an effectiveness of 60-90% of adults with OCD (Albucher et al, 1998) this is where patients are exposed to the objects or situations that trigger obsessions and are then prohibited from engaging in their usual compulsive response. All behavioural therapies have their roots in learning theory, which has its own roots in experiments with non-human animals. Wolpes (1958) initial research was with cats. He created a phobia by placing them in cages and administering repeated electric shocks. He could then reduce their learned anxiety response by placing food near a cage that was similar to the original. The act of eating apparently diminished the anxiety response; the cats could gradually be placed in cages more and more similar to the original cages without symptoms of anxiety. Human anxiety may not always respond in the same way. Systematic Desensitisation did not cure the phobia of one woman treated for a fear of insects (Wolpe 1973). It turned out that her husband, with whom she had not been getting along with was nicknamed after an insect. Her fear was therefore not the result of conditioning but a means of representing her marital problems. Marital counselling was recommended to her, which succeeded where Systematic Desensitisation had failed. One therapy that is used through Operant Conditioning is Token Economy. Operant Conditioning is making a conscious association with the consequences of a behaviour e.g. behaviour that is rewarded is more likely to be repeated. The use of Token Economy is a behaviour modification procedure in which patients are given tokens for socially positive behaviour, these being withheld when unwanted behaviours are exhibited. The tokens can then be exchanged for desirable items and activities such as sweets. Although Token Economy programmes were widespread in the 1970s, they became largely restricted to wards being prepared for transfer into the community. A particularly widespread use of Token Economy at the time was for changing the negative symptoms of schizophrenia poor motivation, poor attention and social withdrawal (McMonagle and Sultana, 2001). In educational setting, the Token Economy system is an important part of classroom management, where it is used to build up and maintain appropriate classroom performance and behaviour.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Parties Involved In Communication Process
Parties Involved In Communication Process In nowadays marketing, advertising is communication tool for majority of businesses. It is important that companies should communicate effectively and properly to their customers either through Ad, s or other sources. In advertising campaign, we will discuss the communication model used in advertising. The major parties which are involved in communication channel of advertising are; Client/vendor/sponsor/advertisers Advertising agency Media e.g. electronic, print, social etc Audience Advertisers: Clients are those people, companies or organizations that do advertising of their new product, services in order to get attention of their target market. For this purpose, advertisers contacts and hire advertising agencies which do advertising for organization to promote their products. Advertising agencies: Advertising agency is consisted of people who do advertising for companies. Advertising agencies is consisted of different departments which do creative work, media selection, brochure making and many more works. Media: After making an Ad, then media is selected, types of media are; Electronic media e.g. TV Print media e.g. Newspaper, magazines Social media e.g. face book, twitter Media plays an important role because the message is conveyed to target customers by using media because media has access to peoples. Role of advertising agency: Advertising agency plays an important role because advertising agency makes an effective and innovative advertisement which attracts customers and customers gets that product. Advertising agency is one which makes awareness about companys product through advertisements. Advertising agency and client relationship is of great importance because client hire advertising agency for making an Ad. so advertising agency tries to make innovative and creative Ad to attract customers. Advertising agency also help company to choose media for the advertisement. Sender: The party sending the message to the customers is called sender. Sender is also called communicator. The Ad agency is sender. Encoding: The party which put the thoughts into symbolic form. Message: The idea or thoughts which the sender transmits to the receiver. Media: The communication channels thought which the Message moves from sender to receiver. Receiver: The party receiving the message sended by sender. This party is also called audience. Responses: The set of reactions that the receiver has after being exposed to the message. Actually after seeing the Ad, audience comments. Feedback. The part of the receivers response that the receiver communicates back to the sender. ( Noise Unplanned static or distortion during the communication process, resulting in the receivers receiving a different message than the sender sent. Sometimes the message which sender wants to communicate to the receiver does not communicate properly to the receiver because of wrong media selection, wrong target market etc. Communication Industry of Pakistan If we look at the typical Pakistani Ads so we will find all these tools in some Ads because in majority of Pakistani Ads. We can find easily noise and lack of feedback. In most of Ads we will find noise and lack of feedback because if we see, many people just see Ads for actors or just time pass. Sometimes audience get bore because of again and again showing of similar Ads. But In 20th century, the Ads quality has changed and we have seen improvement. If we consider the Ads of Telecom sectors, so we can say that everything of the model which was discussed previously are present there with target market and good customers response and feedback. P-2: Identify and discuss current trends in advertising and evaluate its impacts Current Trends Micro-Marketing: A marketing strategy in which advertising efforts are focused on a small group of highly-targeted consumers. Micromarketing requires a company to narrowly define a particular audience by a particular characteristic, such as ZIP code or job title, and tailor campaigns for that particular segment. It can be a more expensive technique due to customization and lack of an economy of scale. Micromarketing grew to prominence in the 1990s, as personal computers allowed easier segmentation and dissemination of information to customers. E-commerce websites are able to track the type of products that a consumer views or purchases, which allows the website to suggest related products. Media Fragmentation: In Pakistan Media fragmentation is happening from 2000 onwards. It includes Radio Stations, Television, Internet, Newspapers, and Mobile Phones. When worldwide broadcast I.e. TV cable in some countries was the only way of transmitting video signals over big geographic areas, the result was that there were massive audiences for a small number of channels. The adding up of satellite TV, and a raise in the number of cable channels, means that audiences are now divided between more operators. This is called fragmentation of the media. Sales Promotion: Sales promotion is any activity that offers incentives for a limited time period induce a desired response, such as trial or purchase, from those who are targeted. Sales promotion is frequently misinterpreted and thought to mean literally anything is done to promote sales. Brand Proliferation: Brand Proliferation is important change in the branding environment is the proliferation of new brands and products, in part spurred by the rise in line and brand extensions. As a result, a brand name may now be identified with a number of different products of varying degrees of similarity. Current trends in Pakistani Ads In Pakistan, currently we are using very less amount of electronic billboards. But we hope that in near future these electronic billboard will be more in work than simple billboards. Internet growth is increasing very quickly all over the world and now Pakistani people are also getting familiar with the Internet in their normal routine life. Thus, this is the reason that most of the companies are advertising on the Internet through pop up windows advertising, advertising on both sides of the window, Google advertising etc, with the purpose that many people can watch their advertisements every where on their computers. The cost of Electronic Billboard are cheaper than the simple billboards as on electronic billboards different advertisements will be run one by one, so the overall cost will be less. In European countries, electronic billboard are very common while in Pakistan, these electronic billboards are not the ordinary way of advertising. In Pakistan, still many companies rely on TV advertisements, as Television advertisements are still valuable way of advertising. P-3: Discuss the models of advertising and its impacts on customer behavior AIDA MODEL Attention: The customers attention is got by the saving which is a large amount. Interest: Then the sentence mazay ki offer creates interest of the customers and their emotions are triggered. They feel that the offer is a good one because of the inflation now a day. Desire: The benefit the customers receive is that on every packing of the product they can save if they go for large pack they will have more saving which creates a desire to save more. Action: At the bottom left of the ad it is written that the offer is for some short time which gives enough motivation to the customers to go for it. MODEL 2 Awareness: The awareness I created that we have new offer for our customers. Knowledge: The knowledge is shared with the customers that the new offer which is named as mazy ki offer is on every pack and it is for some short span of time. Liking and preference: The ad creates liking because of the saving which is of large amount on such product. Conviction and purchase: The image of the product is good in the mind of customers and they are giving such offer so the purchase will be increase. AIDA model Attention: Warid bol anmol the sentence is enough to grab the attention because he will think there will be a good offer on calling Interest: The interest is created by giving the customers relaxation from activation and there are no conditions on the offer. Desire: In my opinion the add fails to make the customers desire to go for the offer because no info is given about how much balance will they receive. Action: Giving offer that the balance will be given at once motivating the customers to go for that offer
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Pouya Ghasemlou Professor Lavelle Writing about Literature 102 22 February 2014 Terms Both plays are extreme illustrations of Greek Tragedy in a sense that ‘Protagonist’ suffers from some severe hardship which is due to his/her own actions (Tragic Flaw (Hamartia)) - that element of his/her character that will lead his/her to the failure, for example, Creon's obsession with power leads to him losing all of his loved ones . Antigone is the protagonist but cursed with a tragic fate. She has often been known as literature's first Feminist since she defies to the idea that men govern and enforce the law because they are stronger so she is one of the original heroines in the history of literature. Antigone is not just a Feminist play but also a radical one too based on the fact that she rises against the tyranny. Both of the plays are One Act Play due to the fact that they took place in a single location and disclose as one uninterrupted act. Both of the plays are structured based on the traditional shape of the prologue which consists of the introduction of t he characters and the plot; choral entry (Parados); and finally interchanging choral song and scene (Stasimon). The place for Chorus to dance (Greek Orchestra) is the level round zone which is close to the front of the stage. In both of the plays ‘God Machine’ or ‘deus ex machine’ is the hoist that brings the actors to the scene. Since both of the plays have the same time and place so they have the same Setting. They also use similar Conventions, for instance, using of Greek Chorus, which is a group of people who dance and sing without direct contribution in the play. Chorus normally adverse with the characters in the play, and in between each scene of dialogue they talk about t... ... Oedipus’ request of banishment. In the Antigone on the other hand Falling action happens when Creon agrees to free her from the prison. But it was too late and she already killed herself. Antigone’s husband tries to murder Creon but when he fails he committed suicide. Eurydice, also killed herself. Foreshadowing is another literary device that has been used. Oedipus’s explicitly defines â€Å"swollen foot,†this foretells his sighting of his own self in both plays, Teiresias announces the fate of both Oedipus and Creon and is ignored by both men – this predicts the idea that leads Oedipus to ruin his eyesight. Symbols, Oedipus’ â€Å"Swollen Foot†– Oedipus gets his name from the fact that he was abandoned on the mountainside while both of his feet were nailed; this wound left him with a scar that represents that destiny has ‘marked him and set him apart’( Spark Note).
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