Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How are characters presented as disturbed in Macbeth,...
It is important to be able to define what ‘disturbed’ actually means in order to answer this question to a high standard of explanation. Disturbed is an adjective and it is the showing of symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis and neurosis. It is also useful to consider the audiences of each poem or play to elaborate on explanations. Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is set during the eleventh century is about the emotional manipulation of individuals and the lust for power and the upmost authority over a victorious Scotland featuring an Elizabethan audience whereas Robert Browning’s poems, Laboratory and My Last Duchess, is about the overcoming of jealously and betrayal set during the Victorian era with a Victorian audience.†¦show more content†¦The fact that Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to commit sacrilege is, without saying, disturbing because the King (especially at that time) is Gods representative and killing God just to achieve power is so insane that you could argue that she is ‘demon possessed’. Macbeth and the poem Laboratory are both similar in terms of the unusual language used, â€Å"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow†, a quote by Macbeth in his final soliloquy, in act five, scene five, before to his soliloquy Lady Macbeth had committed suicide which was inevitably an act of sin and therefore ‘the afterlife’ would be spend in hell for eternity â€Å"Weld jump the life to come. But in these cases We still have judgment here†, which meant Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (at least Macbeth) were both aware that they had committed felonies during their current life including sacrilege giving the idea that Macbeth was aware of his wrongdoings telling us that Macbeth was not psychotically weak but instead attempted to improvise the situation so at least he had something to live for. This also gives the audience sympathy for Macbeth because he is able to rationalize his opinions an d justifications. The persona uses similar unusual language to Macbeth â€Å"And her breasts and her arms should drop dead!†Stanza six, the repetition of the connective ‘and’ in the Macbeth and the Laboratory poem is used to emphasis their feelings and emotions. In addition to this the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Doll House Free Essays
Act I Example 1: (p1600) Helmer: â€Å"That is like a woman! But seriously, Nora, you know how I feel about that. No debt, no borrowing†Torvald thinks that every woman is the same and woman is debt and owe from man but he did not accept that his life depend on borrowing. Example 2: (p. We will write a custom essay sample on Doll House or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1605) Nora: â€Å"Tell me, is it really true that you did not love your husband? Why did you marry him? †/ Mrs. Linde: â€Å"My mother was alive then, and was bedridden and helpless, and I had to provide for my two younger brothers; so I didn’t think I had any right to turn him down. †Almost women at that time always think that married a rich man is the only way to be better (about finance). Example 3: (p. 1607) Nora: â€Å"Besides, how painful and humiliating it would be for Torvald, with his masculine pride, to know that he owed me anything! â€Å". Act II Example 1: (p1624) Helmer: â€Å"They already know at the Bank that I’m going to fire Krogstad. Do you think I’m going to let them all say that the new manager has changed his mind because his wife said to†He could not accept that a man listen to his wife. That is an affront. Example 2: (p. 1629) Nora (jumping up and going to him). â€Å"Oh, dear, sweet Doctor Rank, I didn’t mean that way. But surely you can understand that being with Torvald is a little like being with papa†In Nora mind, she is always under pressure of man, even her husband, she respect him, idolize him as her father Act III Example 1: (p1637) Mrs. Linde:†Nils, when a woman has sold herself for someone else’s sake, she doesn’t do it a second time. †Woman must to worship her husband and never remarried or adultery. It is the quality, the standard of woman. Example 2: (p1640) Helmer: â€Å"What? You’re serious, Nora! You won’t? You won’t I’m your husband†Husbands think that He owns his wife (either her soul or her body). She cannot deny every request from him. . How to cite Doll House, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Decision Analysis Manufacturing Industriesâ€Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Business Decision Analysis for Manufacturing Industries. Answer: Introduction Manufacturing industries have their unique model of working based on various environmental factors. These models help in smooth functioning of any organisation. Decision making models helps to take various decisions of the organisations and these models solve various problems in various situations. These models depend on the environmental or external factors of the industry. Decisions are taken for the manufacturing industries on considering the environmental or external factors of the industry. Apparel manufacturing industries in Australia face various constraints regarding the material used, the price of the materials and their quality (Power et al., 2014). Decisions making models are set up in this context, which helps the manufacturing companies to decide about the contents of the apparels. Literature review The apparel manufacturing companies of Australia have various models in their course of business. These models include various environmental or external factors that have an impact on their business. Decision tree analysis was usually done on these models, this analysis helped the apparel manufacturing companies to have a smooth functioning of their business, and they earned more profit in the business. Considering the environmental or external factors, the appeal manufacturing industry of Australia decided the type of product they would use for the manufacturing of the products (Yager Kacprzyk, 2012). Decisions were taken on the material to be used in the manufacturing, quality of the materials to be used and the price of the materials. These analyses had helped the companies to make successful decisions about the materials they would use in the manufacturing of apparel (Berger, 2013). The apparels must also satisfy the customers demands and they should live up to the desired quali ty of the customers. Thus, decision tree analysis had helped the manufacturing companies to decide about the correct material of the appeals such that the price constraints, quality constraints and demand of the customers are satisfied. Australia is a large manufacturer of wool and it produces many woollen products. Manufacturing of these products increase the export of these products and provides with a huge amount of cash inflow to the companies (Wakker, 2013). The companies in turn buy different kind of raw materials that is required for the manufacturing of the apparels. These raw materials vary in their quality, price and texture. This results to cash outflow of the company. The differences between the cash inflow and the cash outflow of the company results to net present value of the company. The analysis of the net present value reveals the business of the companies of the manufacturing industries. Discussion The data required for the model of this industry includes customers demands, customers satisfaction, price of the raw material, quality of the raw material and amount of raw material required. Here, the dependent variable is customers satisfaction and the independent variables include customers satisfaction, price of raw material, quality of raw material and amount of raw material used (Larichev Moshkovich, 2013). This model gives the various environmental factors that are required for decision model of the apparel manufacturing industry. Parameters are estimated on collecting data from 10 samples. Primary data was used in this analysis. The model built for this analysis is customers satisfaction = 1.402173913 + 0.222826087* price of raw material + 0.081521739 * quality of raw material -0.016304348* amount of raw material. This is the required model for the apparel manufacturing industries in Australia (Bryce et al., 2014). It is seen that the customers satisfaction mainly depends on the price of the raw material of the apparel .This is because the price of the raw material influences the price of the apparel. The amount of raw material does not influence the satisfaction level in a positive way. Thus, this is the required model for the apparel manufacturing industry. It is usually seen that the customers mainly consider the price of the apparel as their satisfaction level. The price of the apparel mainly depends on the price of the raw materials and its quality. In this model, it is seen that the satisfaction level of the customers depend of the price of the raw materials and the quality of the raw materials, positively. Thus, the result is validated and are reliable. Conclusion It is seen that the decision model of the apparel manufacturing industry is an appropriate model as this helps the industry to decide the quality and the price of the raw materials for manufacturing. This helps the manufacturing company to take decisions in context of environmental factors and select the appropriate material regarding its quality, price and other components. Recommendation It is recommended that the apparel manufacturing companies of Australia should also consider other factors like handling of the raw materials, availability of the raw materials and the eco friendliness of these raw materials while taking decisions regarding its usage. These factors also play an important role in upholding the manufacturing industry as well as the environment. References Berger, J. O. (2013).Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis. Springer Science Business Media. Bryce, J. M., Flintsch, G., Hall, R. P. (2014). A multi criteria decision analysis technique for including environmental impacts in sustainable infrastructure management business practices.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,32, 435-445. Larichev, O. I., Moshkovich, H. M. (2013).Verbal decision analysis for unstructured problems(Vol. 17). Springer Science Business Media. Power, D. J., Sharda, R., Burstein, F. (2015).Decision support systems. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Wakker, P. P. (2013).Additive representations of preferences: A new foundation of decision analysis(Vol. 4). Springer Science Business Media. Yager, R. R., Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (2012).The ordered weighted averaging operators: theory and applications. Springer Science Business Media.
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