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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Criticism on the Novel Essay
Nature setting are unequivocal Page 30: â€Å"When I was around fifteen years of age we had resigned to our home close Belrive, when we saw a generally savage and horrendous tempest. It progressed from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst immediately with repulsive clamor from different quarters of the sky. I stayed with interest and joy. As I remained at the entryway, on a lovely oak which remained around twenty yards from our home; thus soon as the amazing light evaporated, the oak had vanished, and nothing was left however an impacted stump. [†¦] It was not fragmented from the stun, yet totally diminished to thin strips of wood.†Anticipating?: intensity of power starts his consideration, on the off chance that it can demolish something so rapidly, why can’t it breath life into dead substance? Logical depictions need significant data Page 48: â€Å"It was at that point one toward the beginning of the day; the downpour pattered bleakly against the sheets, and my flame was almost worn out, when, by the flicker of the half-quenched light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the animal open; it inhaled hard, and a convulsive movement upset its limbs.†We perceive how she was an artist in this statement: she gives a larger number of depictions of the environmental factors than the logical part of which numerous individuals long for. Clearly shows the absence of information showed by Mary Shelly. Nations are â€Å"close together†Shows by and by how much information Mary Shelly had with respect to geology. It sparkles consideration when she says that it takes more time to go from Geneva to Ingolstadt (a sum of 413.6 miles) than it is to go to England. Beast has superhuman capacities yet he is produced using human parts Page 70: â€Å"I thought of seeking after the demon, yet it would have been futile, for another glimmer found him to me hanging among the stones of the almost opposite rising of Mont Saleve, a slope that limits Plainpalais on the south. He before long arrived at the culmination and disappeared.†Generalizing of the Turkish and Irish individuals In the event that Frankenstein had just made a beast, for what reason did he need assistance from some different researchers for the formation of another beast? Page 153: â€Å"I found that I was unable to form a female without again dedicating a while to significant investigation and difficult disquisition. I had known about certain revelations having been made by an English savant, he information on which was material to my prosperity [†¦]†The Monster reveals to Frankenstein how he’s endure crowds tossing rocks and a few different shots and such, yet Frankenstein tries constantly to figure he can slaughter the beast. Page 206: â€Å"[†¦] the beast whom I had made, the hopeless devil whom I had sent to another country into the world for my demolition. I was controlled by a goading rage when I thought of him, and wanted and passionately asked that I may include him inside my grip to unleash an extraordinary and sign retribution on his reviled head.†All statements from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Occupy Wall Street Movement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Involve Wall Street Movement - Coursework Example This coursework follows an overall marvel, known as The Occupy Wall Street development, that began in 2011 on September 17 on Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District. This development spread over the 100 urban areas in the United States just as 1500 urban communities comprehensively. In this coursework the history, intentions and impacts of the development are investigated. The development was expected to genuinely address job of multinationals, corporate and banks in explicit that have assumed critical job in causing the downturn. The analyst centers around the primary single rationale behind the development of Wall Street, that was to drive organizations and to adjust the force no matter how you look at it. This basic thought process joined numerous individuals of various social classes, superstars and government officials. In this coursework the rising disparity in the United States theme was additionally very much portrayed as one of the development's thought processes. The Occupy Wall Street development ejected against imbalance to help equivalent compensation for everybody in the corporative structures notwithstanding on their nationality, sex or skin shading. In finish of the coursework, it's creator expresses that the development of Occupy Wall Street, in spite of commended its commemoration as of late, appeared to fizzle and examines three potential answers with regards to why it occurred. Consequently, however OWS is as yet being upheld by certain individuals, it might just leave stamps in the history as being one among the developments that may prompt world change yet doesn't seem to support as single change driving development.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
The Magic Paint Brush
The ‘Magic Paint Brush’ It seems like every six months or so I discover an MIT video that leaves me in awe. This time, it is the I/O Brush: [I just realized that Laura blogged this almost two years ago! Where have I been?] The I/O Brush is a project by Kimiko Ryokai in the Tangible Media Group at the Media Lab. Her site describes the invention: I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by picking up and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights and touch sensors embedded inside. Outside of the drawing canvas, the brush can pick up color, texture, and movement of a brushed surface. On the canvas, artists can draw with the special ink they just picked up from their immediate environment. There are many paint/drawing programs on the market today that are designed especially for kids. These let kids do neat things, but kids usually end up playing only with the preprogrammed digital palette the software provides. The idea of I/O Brush is to let the kids build their own ink. They can take any colors, textures, and movements they want to experiment with from their own environment and paint with their personal and unique ink. Kids are not only exploring through construction of their personal art project, but they are also exploring through construction of their own tools (i.e., the palette/ink) to build their art project with. The BBC also did a story on I/O Brush: The MIT researcher took the brush into a local classroom for about five weeks to see how children reacted to it. I didnt tell them to run around the classroom and look for colours, she says, they did it spontaneously. One kid would say Hmm, I need that colour and other kids would suggest ideas for sources for the colour. Ryokai is critical of typical painting programmes created for children. A lot of the time kids only end up playing with the clip art that comes with the software, and picking colours only from the computers palette she says. By contrast, the I/O Brush pushes kids to look around, and explore and investigate the richness of colours that surround us. She found that pictures contained many personal objects and provoked story-telling about the images, such as where the colour came from, where they got it and what it was about. A brown wasnt just a brown, but a brown that came from their favourite teddy bear or friends hair, she says. In one exercise they were shown a Matisse painting and were asked where the blue colour might have come from. Kids who played with the I/O Brush would say oceans, Jacobs jacket, a lunchbox or someones pants, she says . The blue wasnt just this abstract blue but was blue from a personal object or from their environment. I previously blogged two other awesome projects/videos, and ASSIST. Im not sure which of these three Id want first!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
ray charles Essay - 995 Words
Ray Charles nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the 1930s many black musicians where coming out of the south. One especially who would soon top the charts and hit fame and fortune starting in his young years, Ray Charles. After conquering poverty, blindness and many other things, success was possible. In his young age he had a few losses in his family and near after came down with a disease which was causing him to go blind. He later came over the blindness and was able to learn and compose music with the help of his skills in mathematics. After enduring a harsh childhood and blindness, Ray Charles was able to over come his handicap and follow his dream in music. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ray Charles was born on September 23, 1903 to a†¦show more content†¦Not too soon after Ray turned five years old, there was a very tragic accident at their house. While RC’s little brother was in the bath tub he drowned. At first Ray was unsure that he was drowning and thought that he was just playing going to the bottom of the washtub to get a shiny penny, but then Ray realized his splashes and kicks weren’t from him playing around. When Ray realized, he attempted to pull him out since he was only one year older than his brother, he lacked the strength to pull him out, so he yelled for his mother. Retha ran out but by the time she had pulled George out of the tub, it was to late (Michael 9). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A few months after this tragic event RC was having trouble with his vision, he was having problems with puss coming from his eyes and would wake up every morning with his eyes stuck shut. After his vision was just getting worse and worse, his mother took him to a doctor, Doctor McLeod. He was then prescribed ointments and eye drops and was also instructed to visit a clinic fourteen miles away from their home (Michael 9). Soon after Retha was told that her son was going blind, so she admitted him to a new school. He was then put on the train and sent to Saint Augustine’s school for the def and the blind (10). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;At the age of seven RC went completely blind. At this new school, St. Augustine’s, RC was able to learn and become a great basket weaver; he was also able to build his musicalShow MoreRelatedEssay about Ray Charles2718 Words  | 11 PagesRay Charles      Ray Charles was a revolutionary pianist and a soul singer who helped shape the sound of rhythm and blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music to pop standards to â€Å"God Bless America.†His birth name was Ray Charles Robinson, but he shortened it when he entered show business to avoid confusion with the famous boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. I chose Ray Charles as the topic for my paper after seeing the movie Ray. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
The UN Promoting Environmental Sustainability - 1733 Words
Action Plan How will you decide which aspect of the UN to look at? I will decide which aspect of the UN to look at, by firstly looking into the different aspects of the UN, which are related to geography, about which I can write. Next, choosing the most interesting of these aspects for me. Finally, I will have arrived at the aspect of the UN which I will be looking into. Which sources of information will you first consult? As the project is regarding an aspect of the UN, I will consult sources such as: magazine or newspaper articles relating to the UN, journal entries relating to the topic, books and encyclopedias relating to the aspect I’m looking into, and internet sources majorly websites relating to the topic I’m looking†¦show more content†¦5. Spreading the word about Climate Change: This paragraph will talk about spreading the word amongst people of South and North America about climate change and its effects and why we should try our best to limit it, also talk about conversational methods used to convey these messages and the benefits of more people knowing about climate change and its effects. 6.Conclusion: This paragraph will sum up all the major points mentioned in this investigation of the Unite States, and will also address the research question by answering it through saying the different strategies that are used by the UN to limit climate change and therefore promote environmental sustainability. Introduction About the United Nations The United Nations is an international organization, which was founded in 1945 after the Second World War, committed to providing the means to help resolve international conflicts and formulate policies on matters affecting human beings all over the world (Wikipedia). The organization is committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights (Wikipedia). ‘EnsuringShow MoreRelatedHow Does the United Nations Support Environmental Sustainability?865 Words  | 3 Pagesand promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights (Wikipedia). ‘Ensuring environmental sustainability’, climate change being one of the major factors, is one of the millennium development goals of the UN. The United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, along with many organizations/agencies under the UN, collaboratively work towards achieving this goal. About the Chosen Aspect of Study ‘How does the United Nations support the millennium development goal of promoting environmentalRead MoreRole Of Energy Development Sustainable Development Goals Essay1591 Words  | 7 Pagesmeeting their own needs ‘(Brundtland, 1987). 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History The rising need for protection of intellectual property rights and improvement of public health lead the pharmaceutical industry to establish an agreement in 2001 with the World Trade Organization. In Sanofi’s earliest archived sustainability effort, Environmental Progress Report 2001, it states that Sanofi has taken initiatives to promote sustainable development as a reaction to the rise of wider and on going responsibilities. They have pursuedRead MoreSustainability Is Sustainability A Criterion For Purchasing Decisions?1103 Words  | 5 PagesDo you have systems in place for incorporating sustainability in decision-making? Is sustainability a criterion for purchasing decisions? Do you have a project gating system? Do you have a system to vet green marketing claims? Does sustainability factor into your acquisition due diligence process? Do you consider sustainability in your RD and tech investments? Coca cola have a system in place for incorporating sustainability in decision-making. There’s a story of a farm somewhere in the world in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Identify and Explain Two Reasons for an Increase Free Essays
Identify and explain two reasons for an increase in cohabitation [17] One reason is changing social attitudes. Religion regarded cohabitation as ‘living in sin’, but today there is less shame attached to it. Barlow et al found increasing acceptance of cohabitation. We will write a custom essay sample on Identify and Explain Two Reasons for an Increase or any similar topic only for you Order Now This shows that the change in religions social attitude, cohabitation is accepted more, leading to an increase in cohabitation. Some people prefer love that focuses of on intimacy, closeness and emotion rather than the duties of marriage. Giddens argues that there has been a trend towards confluent love. This love focuses on the intimacy, closeness and emotion of a relationship, rather than the feelings of obligation and duty that is in vows at marriage. When a marriage no longer has confluent love, the relationship is likely to end. This shows that monogamy may start being replaced by serial monogamy, in which cohabitation is most suited to. However, the ONS found that 60% of cohabiting couples will eventually end in marriage showing that monogamy can often replace serial monogamy. There is less pressure to follow traditional norms and values. Beck and Beck-Gernshiem argue that individualism has led to changing attitudes towards cohabitation and marriage. There is less pressure to follow the norms and values around love and relationships set by family, religion or culture. This shows that the change in attitudes has led to people making their own decision about whether they marry or cohabitate. The acceptance of sex outside marriage has made it more likely that cohabitation will occur. Allan and Crow argue that effective contraception has made it possible for partners to cohabit without fear of pregnancy. This alongside the acceptance of sex before marriage means cohabitation without marriage is likely to occur. This shows that the change in social attitudes towards sex outside of marriage has led to an increase in cohabitation. Another reason is the decline in the popularity of marriage. The drawbacks that come with marriage often turn people away from marriage. McRae found cohabitation had been chosen over marriage because marriage was seen as limiting personal freedom and independence, offering no advantages over cohabitation. This shows that more people started a cohabiting relationship rather than a marriage, leading to a decline in marriage, but a rise in cohabitation. Some people find it better to have more sexual partners than to get married. Patricia Morgan argues that cohabitation is part of a worrying trend in which marriage is going out of fashion and the family is in decline. It is a sign of an increasing trend to have more sexual partners and change them frequently than to commit to stable married relationships. This shows that cohabitation is becoming more popular than marriage because people are starting to want more than just one partner for life. Cohabitation is an alternative to marriage Chandler argues cohabitation is a relatively stable alternative to marriage and that the length of time couples spend together is expanding. This shows that it is a good alternative to marriage, but with more freedom. However, the New Right claim that cohabitation is less stable than marriage and can lead to negative consequences. Fear of divorce could lead to more people cohabitating, rather than getting married. The ONS showed that 45% of marriages ended in divorce, which could lead to people not wanting to get married and preferring to cohabit instead. This shows that the fear of divorce can turn people away from marriage and turning to cohabitation, which declines the popularity of marriage and increases cohabitation. Related article: â€Å"My Ideal Wife†How to cite Identify and Explain Two Reasons for an Increase, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Psych Approach to Othello free essay sample
Approach of William Shakespeares Othello Jealousy is bred in doubts. When those doubts change into certainties, then the passion either ceases or turns absolute madness,- Francois De La Rochefoucauld. All people have the seed of jealousy inside them. However, the doubts of ones self help grow the seed of jealousy. Othello was never what seemed to be a jealous man but when Iago led him to believe Desdemona was being unfaithful, Othello started to show his side of jealousy which ultimately led to his self destruction. Othellos ego is shown through his indecisive decision and the wavering of his judgement. Othellos primal instincts take over consuming his ego and superego leading him to his downfall. Finally, Othello superego prevails in his reasonable decisions throughout the play. In William Shakespeares Othello, Othello starts off as a rational and moral character. As the play progresses, Othello becomes consumed by jealousy and he deteriorates resulting in his overactive ID and superego leading to his destruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Psych Approach to Othello or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Othello appears as a fair and reasonable character from what the audience can see. His psyche is initially balanced and he does not seem like a character that would be despicable by Iago. Initaly, Othellos ego becomes visible when he get brought to court and Brabantio is accusing Othello of witchcraft on his daughter Desdemona, to make her fall in love with him. Othello reacts calmly and says hold your hands, both you of my fight, i should have known it without a prompter. Whither will you that i go to answer this your charge. ( Shakespeare 1. 84-86 )Through the use of words, Othello is able to communicate reason towards the court showing his prevailing ego. In addition, Othello once again reveals his ego, when hes in the court and allows Desdemona to speak on his behalf, showing his reasonable and mature actions. Othello says, And till she come as truly as to heaven I do confess the vices of my blood. ( Shakespeare 1. 3 124-125) Othello responds very reasonably as he states his opi nions rather than starting an argument. Therefore displaying his ability to control his ID like qualities. Finally, before Othello kills Desdemona, he experiences self conflict as he is trying to decide weather or not to act on this murder, thus displaying his ability to decipher between good and bad. Overall Othello demonstrates his ego because no one is manipulating him in the beginning of the play Othello is his own person, and his love for Desdemona is so strong that nothing is getting in the way. However this changes when Iago starts his lies into othello. Othello started off as the character that compassion could not shake but quickly his character took a turn for the worse and an immense character change occurred. Through out the middle of the play ID has overcome his character which ultimately causes his falling point. For instance, during the last acts of the play,Othello slaps Desdemona and says, devil†¦. if that the earth could teem with womens tears, each drop she falls would prove a crocodile. Out of my slight. (Shakespeare 4. 1 231- ) His character looks horrific and this kind of violence was frown upon. Othello striking Desdemona shows his ID like qualities coming out and not being able to control his anger at all times. Towards the end of Othello, after he questions Emilia on Desdemonas loyalty, Othello says to Desdemona, oh, ay as summer flies are in the shambles, That quicken even with blowing. O thou weed, who art so lovely fair and smellst so sweet that the sense aches at thee, would thou hadst neer been born! ( Shakespeare 4. 2 69-73 ) Othello is stating that Desdemona is unfaithful and wishes she was never born, nonetheless Othello has lost all of his moral and values through his desires caused by Iago. In addition, Iago dominates over Othellos psyche creating an ID behaviour by informing the idea that othello should kill his innocent wife. After Iago tells him about Cassio using the handkerchief this prevailed othello into killing him own naive wife, get me some poison Iago this night, ill not expostulate with her, lest her body and beauty unprovided my mind- this night Iago. (Shakespeare 4. 1 194-196) This demonstrates the ID behaviour for the reason that his desire overpowers his voice of restraint ultimately leading to him killing desdemona. Othellos id is fuelled by Iago since his reputation and needs to not be seen as a fool are eventually more important to him than his own wife. In the last sense on the play Othellos ID developed even stronger into an overactive Id this is shown when othello walks into the room when Desdemona is sleeping in her wedding sheets. Othello begins to speak to himself to justify his reason to preform an immoral action, it is the cause, it is the cause my soul . ( Shakespeare 5. 2 1 ) Othello reputation is more essential to him because he is well liked in Cyprus ultimately leading him to killing Desdemona. Overall, Othellos ID grew stronger as Iago fabrications became more believable and forced upon him. Othellos strong conscience and internalized moral standards begin to take over Othellos ego and ID which results into his downfall. His sense of morals are processed in the play when his voice of restraint becomes predominate over his desires and reputation. This is seen in the beginning of the play when Othello removes Cassios rank in cyprus. â€Å" Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter, Making it light to Cassio. Cassio I love thee, but never more be office of mine†( Shakespeare 2. 3. 26-28), this is demonstrating his super ego because there is a slight voice of restraint when he says i love thee. In particular this proves his superego because although Cassios status is important it is the friendship between Cassio and himself that makes him feel guilt. Eventually this leads to his superego becoming more existent when Iago begins to plot that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. Othello begins to believe it however, he demands proof showing his sense of right from wrong, †¦.. i think that thou art just and think thou art not, ill have some proof (Shakespeare 3. 3 392-394 ). His superego is shown because he is demonstrating that he has a sense of morals by telling Iago he will not believe it until he has proof. Although there might be slight truth on what Iago is saying he still believes his wife is faithful unless Iago provides him with the proof he needs because ultimately he does not want to believe that his wife would do such a thing. After killing his wife Desdemona, Othello realizes that he will never have her back again, he cant regain his ego which ultimately leads to his suicide. Before committing suicide othello states, †¦. of one that loved not wisely, but to well. Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought, perplexed in the extreme. Of one whose hand. ( Shakespeare 5. 360-363) This eventually demonstrates his overactive superego because finally knowing the truth about Iagos lies developed a heavy guilt leading to his death. His superego becomes predominant over the others which is eventually grown as a neurosis. Othellos overactive superego is ultimately shown through his guilt of killing his wife since he now knows the truth of Iagos evil schemes. In the final analysis o f William Shakespeares Othello, Othello starts of as a rational and moral character but as the play progresses his ID and superego result in his own destruction. Othello begins to be consumed by jealousy which ultimately leads to his decline within himself. In the beginning of the play Othellos ego since is able to balance out his ID and superego. As the play continues on Othellos ID becomes essential to him through Iagos unethical lies, however at the end of the play it is his overactive superego and guilt that leads to his suicide. William Shakespeare is trying to state that those who have an ego and are able to withhold themselves will ultimately be okay, but if individual allows others to manipulate them it will lead to a downfall within one, this is proven in Othello.
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